Lab Assignment |
Hints/Slides |
Midterm 2 on Monday (Mar 9) |
- Understand the types of different variables. For instance, if we say "int *a", what is the type of "a", what is "*a", and what is "&a"?
- Understand difference between array and linkedlist
- Note: Exam date has been changed.
lab09: Array vs LinkedList due 5pm, Mar 06 |
- Function "copyOddOnly" is actually asking you to extract src to dest. For example, if src is {1,2,3}, you want dest to be {1,3} instead of {1,0,3}.
lab08: LinkedList due 5pm, Feb 27 |
- LinkedList can be really tricky, but remember it is just a sequence of Nodes, consisting of a value and a pointer to the next Node.
- Unless specified, all you can see in the list is the first Node, which is the "head". In the case of lab, you have an additional known Node, called "tail".
- The key of understanding LinkedList is to figure out where ".next" is pointing at.
- LinkedList is different from Array. You can access an array element by its index, but you have no index information in LinkedList.
lab07: Structs2 due 5pm, Feb 20 |
- Simply modify the given function to finish STUBs.
- This is an REQUIRED paired programming assignment.
lab06: Structs due 5pm, Feb 13 |
- Notice that "initPoint(struct Point *p, double xVal, double yVal)" is for point initialization. You need to assign the values in xVal and yVal to the point.
- This is an optional paired programming assignment.
Midterm 1 on Monday (Feb 2) |
- Make sure you tried previous year's exams at least once
lab05: Compilation due 5pm, Feb 6 |
This is a REQUIRED pair-programming assignment.
lab04: ASCII Art due 5pm, Jan 30 |
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lab03: Command Line Arguments due 5pm, Jan 30 |
- About for-loop syntax: for (initialization; condition; increase) { statement; }
lab02: Functions due 5pm, Jan 23 |
- Always write a prototype before you actually define a function.
- Sidenote 1: "argc" stores the number of arguments passed into the program, and "argv" stores the arguments.
- Sidenote 2: "cerr" means standard error stream, "cout" is standard output stream, "cin" is standard input stream.
- Again, pay attention to INDENTATION.
lab01: Ducks! due 5pm, Jan 16 |
- The lab wiki pretty much explains everything. Please take a look.
- Pay attention to the indentation and variable names!! The beauty of your code counts 40%!
lab00: Orientation due 5pm, Jan 16 |
- Slide for Lab00